Q –   This Zika thing is scary, especially since we’re scheduled to spend the week  at the Four Seasons Nevis, one of our favorite resorts, a place we’ve enjoyed a half dozen times in the past. My wife and I are in our fifties and forties (you can guess which is which) and, unless I am totally clueless, I don’t think my wife wants to go beyond our current three children. If she is pregnant, our marriage is in trouble.  Given all of that should we still give pause? Any updates since your initial entry on this subject? 

A –  The update would be that while the disease is approaching epidemic proportions, the risk factors are clearly limited to pregnant women and those who intend to become pregnant. The vast majority of travelers who are bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus will feel a bit off but will recover quickly. They will then be immune from catching the virus again. Given your profile, we certainly think you should do this vacation. The Four Seasons Nevis is a perfect spot for gofers, tennis players, and lovers. Nevis, as you know, is accessible by boat from St. Kitts and the small island is home to some lovely people and small hotels that were once main houses on the former sugar plantations. This is the island where Lady Di went to hide out when things with Charles were not going well.

Sunshine's Shack BXAs a “regular” you must be familiar with Sunshine’s Shack, on the beach just off resort property. The spiny lobster and grilled shrimp served by Mr. Sunshine, and the infectious reggae music make this a favorite hang-out for those wishing to break away from the 4S poshness in favor of something authentically Caribbean.